The Ruby Compiler Survey
Vidar Hokstad’s Ruby compiler doesn’t really have a name, so we’ll refer to it as just Hokstad. This compiler is from the ongoing Writing a compiler in Ruby, bottom up article series. It’s bottom-up in that the design began with code generation and moved gradually towards higher-level Ruby.
Hokstad is an AOT native compiler for Ruby. It’s a complete re-implementation of the language, with a runtime system entirely implemented in Ruby using a system that allows you to directly write snippets of the internal AST in Ruby source code. The internal AST includes operations not available in normal Ruby such as native calls and access to registers. It uses a custom parser for Ruby source code to their AST, runs a single lowering phase on the AST, and then runs a template compiler to emit assembly code as text which is passed to the system assembler and linker.
Compilation in Hokstad is pessimistic and static, all objects are heap-allocated, and it uses a virtual method table for method calls. It doesn’t claim to be a significantly complete or high-performance implementation of Ruby and it doesn’t apply any optimisations.
The Hokstad compiler source code is available at our mirror or the original repository.
We’re discussing Hokstad 052df9eee662
, 28 October 2019, which is the most recent commit as at 4 January 2020.
The entry-point to the compiler, driver.rb
is a simple Ruby script and gives a good overview of the compilation pipeline. It loads a main file, creates the scanner and parser, parses to an AST prog
, creates an assembly writer or Emitter
, which it passes to a code generation visitor object or Compiler
. The compiler runs in two phases - preprocess
, which is a lowering phase, and compile
which is a code generation phase. The assembly output is written directly to standard out in compile
, so never exists complete in memory.
s =
parser =
prog = parser.parse
e =
c =
The parser and compiler lives in top-level files. Code is structured as mix-ins, with a Compiler
class implemented across several different files such as compile_calls.rb
and compile_control.rb
, each grouping methods involved in compiling those parts of the language. Alongside that are some small supporting classes to model constructs in the Ruby language such as functions and arguments or name scopes.
The core library directory contains the implementation of the Ruby core library in Ruby, containing AST snippets for low-level implementation not possible in standard Ruby.
There’s no runtime code - nothing written in C or some other language - except for the garbage collector, which will be described later. There are assembly snippets in the template compiler, but never more than a few instructions long.
There’s no build system - it’s just a Ruby program - but for development there is a Dockerfile
and Makefile
to automate some tasks. Hokstad isn’t packaged as gem, but it could easily be and would have no runtime dependencies if it was. There is a compile
front-end script but we don’t use this as it’s mainly there to use Docker for a 32-bit Linux environment. We simply run the whole thing in 32-bit Linux.
Building and running
Hokstad can run in a standard Ruby interpreter, so there is no separate build step for the compiler itself. It takes Ruby source code files as input and writes IA‑32 assembly code in AT&T syntax to standard output, which can be redirected to a file. This can be assembled to machine code and linked into an executable using gcc
. hokstad/tgc.c
is the garbage collector runtime that we’ll describe later. This example shows using it on 32-bit system for simplicity. On a 64-bit system you may need to install additional libraries and compile using extra flags (the binary will still be 32-bit.)
We’ll call Hokstad when running on the system Ruby interpreter hokstad-1
% hokstad-1 fib.rb > fib.s
% gcc fib.s hokstad/tgc.c -o fib
% ./fib
Hokstad aims to be self-hosting. This means that we can compile the Hokstad Ruby source code itself using hokstad-1
, to produce a static executable binary which now does not need the system Ruby anymore, which we’ll call hokstad-2
% hokstad-1 -Ihokstad hokstad/driver.rb > hokstad-2.s
% gcc hokstad-2.s hokstad/tgc.c -o hokstad-2
% hokstad-2 fib.rb > fib.s
% gcc fib.s hokstad/tgc.c -o fib
% ./fib
Can we iterate again, and use hokstad-2
to produce hokstad-3
? No, at this point we encounter bugs and hokstad-2
We’ll use these flags to help us understand what Hokstad is doing:
shows the AST before code generation--notransform
stops the compiling from performing the AST transformation (a lowering phase described later)
More details on building and running Hokstad are available in the appendix.
Hokstad parses Ruby from source code using a hand-written lexer and recursive descent parser, coupled with operator precedence parsing with the shunting yard algorithm for parsing expressions.
The output of the parser is an AST modelled using Ruby arrays and symbols, which you can view using the --notransform --parsetree
options, here shown for fib.rb
(defm fib (n) (
(<= n 2)
(do 1)
(+ (call fib (
(- n 1)))
(call fib (
(- n 2))))))))
This AST runs all the way through the compiler and is Hokstad’s sole intermediate representation. Note that the AST doesn’t include any typing information.
Hokstad effectively includes two front-ends - one which parses Ruby code, and one which parses their AST snippet language which is used for low-level functionaltiy in the core library. In the past during the bootstrap phase it had a third front-end - literal ASTs expressed directly as literal Ruby arrays.
Core library
The core library in Hokstad is implemented in Ruby. High-level operations such as something like Enumerable#select
use standard idiomatic Ruby.
module Enumerable
def select
items =
self.each do |item|
if yield(item)
items << item
return items
Operations which cannot practically be written in Ruby such as memory allocation and arithmetic are implemented via compiler intrinsics. In Hokstand intrinsics are accessed by writing inline snippets of their AST format. AST snippets are written by writing %s()
string, which is legal Ruby code so it does not confuse existing Ruby tooling, but it won’t run on a standard implementation of Ruby.
Their AST has additional nodes than those you can express by writing Ruby code. In Fixnum#+
a snippet is used which uses the additional internal add
operation which reads the machine integer value from the Fixnum
objects, using @value
to read from self and calling the method __get_raw
to get it from the other integer, and then performs a native addition. It calls __int
to box that into an object.
class Fixnum
def + other
%s(call __int ((add @value (callm other __get_raw))))
Support routines can be defined entirely in AST snippets out Ruby methods, which is how __int
is defined.
%s(defun __int (val)
(let (num)
(if (and (ge val 0) (lt val FixNum_cache_size))
(assign num (add FixNum_cache (mul val 8)))
(if (eq (index num 0) 0) (do
(assign (index num 0) Fixnum) # class-ptr
(callm num __set_raw (val))
(return num)
(return num)
(assign num (callm Fixnum allocate))
(callm num __set_raw (val))
(return num)
AST snippets can call C functions from come from the C standard library, or from the garbage collector runtime that we link in such as __alloc_mem
, in order to interface with the system. This snippet defines a function __array
to allocate an array of integers which is a low-level building block in the core library.
%s(defun __array (size) (__alloc_mem (mul size 4)))
Top-level AST snippets are also used to close the Class
bootstrap problem, where the class
or Class
needs to be set to Class
. This can’t be done in Ruby as superclasses are set on class creation, and of course when creating Class
, it’s not available to use as its own superclass.
%s(assign (index Class 0) Class)
AST transformation
The AST transformation is a lowering phase, replacing high-level operations with lower-level operations, so that the code generation only needs to handle the smaller set of simpler low-level operations. One high-level operation may become several low-level operations.
You can see the effect of AST transformation by comparing a program between --notransform --parsetree
and just --parsetree
, here shown for fib.rb
(defm fib (n) (
(<= n 2)
(do 1)
(+ (call fib (
(- n 1)))
(call fib (
(- n 2))))))))
(defm fib (n) (do
(callm n <= ((sexp __I2)))
(do (sexp __I1))
(callm (call fib (
(callm n - (
(sexp __I1))))) + (
(call fib (
(callm n - (
(sexp __I2)))))))))))
Integer literals have been replaced with references to actual cached integer objects, such as __I1
, and operators have been replaced with explicit method calls, such as a + b
to (callm a + b)
(where +
is now a method name, not an operator).
Transformation operates on the AST, searching the tree for recognised patterns and mutating them in-place. For example this transformation which finds values that meet the predicate v.is_a?(Integer)
and replaces them with a reference to a cached integer object.
def rewrite_integer_constant(exp)
@integers = Set[]
exp.depth_first do |e|
next :skip if e[0] == :sexp
is_call = e[0] == :call || e[0] == :callm
ex = e
e.each_with_index do |v,i|
if v.is_a?(Integer)
if !@integers.member?(v)
@integers << v
ex[i] = E[:sexp, int_name(v)]
ex[i] = E[ex[i]] if is_call && i > 1
Code generation
Hokstad is a template compiler, meaning that for each operation in the transformed AST a compiler method generates a small sequence of assembly instructions, recursively calling compiler methods for child AST nodes as required to insert instructions into blank spaces in the template. This example (simplified to remove abstraction for clarity) shows compiling an addition with a template the recurses into the two operands and then emits the addl
def compile_add(scope, left, right)
src = compile_eval_arg(scope, left)
dest = compile_eval_arg(scope, right)
@e.addl(src, dest)
In Hokstad the template compiler also performs some actions similar to the AST transformer dynamically, sometimes recursing into a synthesised sub-tree. This compile action for increment operations synthesises a left.+(right)
def compile_incr(scope, left, right)
compile_assign(scope, left, [:callm, left, :+, [right]])
Code generation of control-flow branching is by emitting jump instructions to temporary labels which are allocated for the compiler by the emitter in get_local
(local label, not local variable). As the output is assembly with labels (or we could say it is symbolic) generation of these forward branches can be in a single-pass - we don’t need to know what the address of the target label before we can use it.
def compile_if(scope, cond, if_arm, else_arm)
res = compile_eval_arg(scope, cond)
l_else_arm = @e.get_local + "_else"
compile_jmp_on_false(scope, res, l_else_arm)
ifret = compile_eval_arg(scope, if_arm)
l_end_if_arm = @e.get_local + "_endif"
@e.evict_all if else_arm
elseret = compile_eval_arg(scope, else_arm) if else_arm
@e.local(l_end_if_arm) if else_arm
Code generation of loops is by a helper method loop
that supplies the block a br
label to break out of the loop and a l
label to return to the top of the loop.
def compile_while(scope, cond, body)
@e.loop do |br,l|
var = compile_eval_arg(scope, cond)
compile_jmp_on_false(scope, var, br)
compile_exp(, br,l), body)
def loop
br = get_local
l = local
The template compiler emits instructions via the Emitter
, which is an assembly writer for IA‑32. Emitter
doesn’t actually contain methods for each instruction - as it emits text it can use method_missing
and the name of the called method as the instruction name. For example when the compiler calls @e.addl(4,:eax)
, there is not actually a method call addl
def method_missing(sym, *args)
raise if sym == :reg
emit(sym, *args)
def emit(op, *args)
a = args.collect{ |a| to_operand_value(a) }.join(', ')
puts "\t#{op}\t#{a}"
Local variables
Hokstad stores local variables initially either on the stack or in an environment object, which is itself stored in an __env__
local variable. The environment is only used for local variables which are captured in blocks, and is allocated on the heap using malloc
shows the difference between a
which is stored on the stack, and b
which is stored in the environment because it is captured in the later block.
(defm capture () (
(assign a value)
(assign b value)
(assign c (call value () (proc () (b))))
(+ (+ a b) c)))
This transformation is applied during AST transformation, which replaces (assign b value)
with (assign (index __env__ 1) value)
, storing the value into the array element __env__[1]
. The transformation also adds the code to allocate __env__
using __alloc_mem
, which we’ll describe later.
(defm capture ()
(let (a c __env__ __tmp_proc)
(sexp (assign __env__ (call __alloc_mem (12))))
(assign (index __env__ 2) __closure__)
(assign a value)
(assign (index __env__ 1) value)
(assign c (call value () ... ))
(callm (callm a + (
(index __env__ 1))) + (c))))
When a local variable is on the stack storing it from %eax
requires just one instruction.
movl %eax, -16(%ebp)
When a local variable is in the environment storing it from %eax
, with the environment itself in -20(%ebp)
, requires six instructions.
pushl %eax
movl -20(%ebp), %eax
movl %eax, %ecx
addl $4, %ecx
popl %eax
movl %eax, (%ecx)
Method calls and virtual dispatch
As Hokstad does not do any type profiling or inference, a method call does not know which class it will be calling the method on. Most Ruby implementations implement the case where they have no type information available by looking up in a hash table of method names for a class.
This is usually a slow fallback operation, but Hokstad are using it in all cases so they need it to be faster. Instead they use a virtual table in each class. A virtual table is simpler than a hash table - instead of method names as symbols they use integer IDs that are allocated consectively from zero upwards. We can allocate indicies in multiples of 4 so that they correspond to the byte address within an array of pointers.
In IA‑32 this can be implemented in two machine instructions.
movl (%eax), %eax
call *MY_METHOD_ID(%eax)
The object comes in stored in %eax
. The movl
instruction reads the class pointer from the object. In Hokstad the virtual table is stored inside the class object so that extra indirection is not needed. The second instruction adds MY_METHOD_ID
to the class pointer in %eax
, and then call the function found at that address.
The problem with this approach is that MY_METHOD_ID
needs to be a valid offset in every virtual table, as there is no bounds check here. Classes that do not have a method with a name have that name’s slot filled with a forward to method_missing
. Every method also needs to have a unique ID. For a typical Rails application that may have tens of thousands of classes and unique method names, a gigabyte of memory could be needed just to store virtual tables.
The blog post on Hokstad’s virtual tables suggests that some kind of analysis could be done to limit the virtual table to the most frequently called methods, and to use a hash-table lookup for others. As method names are known at conventional method calls, the two-instruction call could still be used for a method that is in the virtual table.
Hokstad has to maintain a hash-table of methods to method IDs even with the full virtual table, for send
and respond_to?
that take a dynamic method name. send
looks up the method ID and then uses AST snippets to index into the virtual table and make the call. Interestingly, respond_to?
looks up the method’s address but then instead of calling it, it checks to see if the address is in them location as method_missing
, and if so knows that the object does not respond to that name.
def send obj,sym,*args
sym = sym.to_sym
voff = Class.method_to_voff[sym]
if !voff
return obj.method_missing(sym, *args)
%s(assign raw (callm voff __get_raw))
%s(callm obj (index self raw) ((splat args)))
def respond_to?(method)
# The vtable thunks make up a contiguous sequence of memory,
# bounded by __vtable_thunks_start and __vtable_thunks_end
m = Class.method_to_voff
voff = m[method]
return false if !voff
%s(assign raw (callm voff __get_raw))
%s(assign ptr (index (index self 0) raw))
%s(if (lt ptr __vtable_thunks_start) (return true))
%s(if (gt ptr __vtable_thunks_end) (return true))
return false
Hokstad uses a calling convention that we can see implemented in Compiler#compile_args_nosplat
. adj
is the space it needs to store the arguments, plus four words of padding. The caller subtracts adj
from the stack pointer %esp
to make space on the stack for all arguments (subtract because the stack grows downwards), and then moves them to the stack relative to the already adjusted %esp
. The number of arguments are passed in %ebx
. After the call the caller then restores the stack pointer to remove the arguments by adding adj
back to %esp
adj = Emitter::PTR_SIZE * (args.length+4)
@e.subl(adj, :esp)
args.each_with_index do |a, i|
param = compile_eval_arg(scope, a)
@e.save_to_stack(param, i)
@e.movl(args.length, :ebx)
# call
@e.addl(adj, :esp)
This is the C declaration calling convention with the addition of using the normally callee-saved %ebx
for the number of arguments. The push
instruction, which modifies the stack pointer and loads to the stack in one operation that is optimised for by processor designers, is not used probably because this would require pushing arguments backwards on the stack, and this would effect the order of any side effects in arguments.
Hokstad allocates all objects on the heap, using the system calloc
. This is done via Class#allocate
, which calls __array
, which calls __alloc_mem
, which uses the system calloc
and notifies the garbage collector about the allocation using tgc_add
, which will be described later. #allocate
also stores the class in the first word in the object.
class Class
def allocate
%s(assign ob (__array @instance_size))
%s(assign (index ob 0) self)
%s(defun __array (size) (__alloc_mem (mul size 4)))
%s(defun __alloc_mem (size) (return (__alloc size 0)))
%s(defun __alloc (size opt)
(let (ptr)
(assign ptr (calloc size 1))
(if (eq ptr 0) (return 0))
(return (tgc_add ptr size opt))
Instance variables are allocated within the object, following the class pointer. Each class maintains a hash of instance variables to their offsets in objects, and this can be per-class unlike the virtual table as instance variables are normally encapsulated in Ruby.
def save_to_instance_var(arg, ob, aparam)
def save_to_instance_var(arg, ob, aparam)
The hash would need to be available at runtime, and some extension mechanism would be needed to support instance_variable_get
and _set
Garbage collection
For garbage collection, Hokstad uses a modified version of the existing Tiny Garbage Collector, which is itself based on the Cello garbage collector. It’s a conservative, mark and sweep collector. tgc_add
is the interface to the garbage collector, called by code compiled by Hokstad to ask it to manage an object which it has already allocated, and to collect unreachable objects if the allocation has gone above some threshold.
Earlier in development, before a garbage collector was added, __array
just called malloc
directly. If you don’t need memory to be collected, you could use this and not require any runtime!
%s(defun __array (size) (malloc (mul size 4)))
Register allocation
For Hokstad’s architecture as a template compiler the usual approach to register allocation is to always put the result of each operation into one known register - often called the accumulator, and perhaps use some other registers for simple known values such as self. Other registers would be scratch registers and only used within a template.
Hokstad augments this with a single-pass, incremental register allocator, that caches local variable reads and writes in available registers. Register allocation runs during code generation. After any argument or non-captured local variable read or write it will cache the value in a register. On subsequent reads it will read from the cache in the register if its still available.
This code shows Compiler#get_arg
, which emits code to evaluate an expression a
. If the expression is a local variable read, then emit code for that and then cache the value in a register, which is gotten from Compile#cache_reg!
. This looks up if there is already a register allocated for this variable. If not it asks the allocator for a new variable, from RegAlloc#cache_reg!
, which it gets from its list of free variable if there are any left. Emitter#load_local_var
loads the value into the register.
class Compiler
def get_arg(scope, a, save = false)
# If the expression is a local variable read...
arg = scope.get_arg(a)
reg = @e.cache_reg!(name, arg.first, arg.last, save)
class Emitter
def cache_reg!(var, atype, aparam, save = false)
reg = @allocator.cached_reg(var)
return reg if reg
reg = @allocator.cache_reg!(var)
return reg
def load_local_var(aparam, reg = result_value)
movl(local_var(aparam), reg)
return reg
class RegAlloc
def cache_reg!(var)
free = @free_registers.shift
# If free is nil then no new register was available
After calls and control-flow merges the entire cache is emptied. Individual registers are also removed from the cache when they’re needed as a temporary.
def compile_if(scope, cond, if_arm, else_arm = nil)
# At the moment, we're not keeping track of exactly what might have gone on
# in the if vs. else arm, so we need to assume all bets are off.
The register allocator does use one heuristic - the number of static times a variable is used, which Hokstad calls the frequency. This is counted during AST transformation and used to evict the least-used variable from the cache when a new register is required. This doesn’t take into account whether it’s actually used after the current point in the program.
On IA‑32 the only registers Hokstad actually has available after reserving some for things like self
are edx
, ecx
, and edi
. Register allocation is much more significant on the AMD64 architecture where there are more registers.
This diagram shows the principle of the register allocation algorithm, but due to method call boundaries it’s hard to see it this clearly in practice. As each local variable is assigned the value is cached in a register. When control flow merges at the end of the if
block the cache is emptied and the local variables have to be reloaded, and put back into the cache, for the next statement. A fourth local variable is assigned, which exceeds the three available registers, so the least frequently used, c
, is evicted and x
is stored in that vacated register.
Hokstad’s compilation of fib.rb
shows us how almost everything is a call in Ruby unless you perform inlining. Apart from the if
branch, this method is just calls. For n <= 2
for example we can see the call to the virtual table entry for #<=
subl $28, %esp # create space on the stack for arguments
# load self...
# load n...
# load 2...
movl $3, %ebx # we're passing three arguments
movl (%esp), %esi # load self back off the stack where we loaded it
movl (%esi), %eax # get the virtual table of the class of self
call *__voff____le(%eax) # make the call via the virtual table
addl $4, %ebx
sall $2, %ebx
addl %ebx, %esp # restore the size of the stack
Most of the generated code is these sequences of calls - the actual arithmetic of the fib
function is not present here - the arithmetic instructions are all in other individual methods which we call. The actual cmp
instruction that fib
uses is found in __method_Fixnum___le
cmpl %eax, %edi # compare a and b
setle %al # set %al to whether a is less than or equal to b
movzbl %al, %eax # convert the byte to a full word
The control flow logic is visible though. The return value of #<=
is in %eax
. It’s compared against nil
and false
which are constants, both times jumping to the else
branch if they’re equal. If not it runs the then
branch and jumps over the else
cmpl %eax, nil
je .L2398_else
cmpl %eax, false
je .L2398_else
# then branch...
jmp .L2399_endif
# else branch...
fails to compile due to missing support for floating point numbers.
shows us a loop. The top of the loop is labelled, then the condition comes and we jump out of the loop if it fails. Then we have the body of the loop, and a jump back to the top.
# condition...
cmpl %eax, nil
je .L2398 # jump out of loop
cmpl %eax, false
je .L2398 # jump out of loop
# body...
jmp .L2399
shows us the limitation of not inlining again. Like how the actual arithmetic operations were not found in the code for fib
, the loop and its body are not found in sum
when Array#each
is used. Instead we just have a call to #each
, passing it the address of the code for the block which is compiled as a separate method with the synthetic name __lambda_L108
, wrapped up as a Proc
object. The code generated for Array#each
then actually contains the loop.
movl $__lambda_L108, %eax
call __new_proc
call *__voff__each(%eax)
works. The allocation of the Point
object isn’t visible in the code for create_point
- it calls #new
, which calls #allocate
, which calls __array
, which calls the system calloc
, which returns it to #initialize
to load the field.
call *__voff__new(%eax)
call *__voff__allocate(%eax)
call __array
call __alloc_mem
call __alloc
call calloc
call tgc_add
This is a pretty deep stack - seven calls to the just reach the system allocator interface!
Loading the two fields and storing them into the Point
object is just a write to an offset in the object.
# load the Point instance into %esi
# load x into %edi
movl %edi, 4(%esi)
# load y into %ecx
movl %ecx, 8(%esi)
The point_point
code just calls to_s
works and doesn’t generate different code for the multiply
than the unpatched version - the only thing that changes is the entry in the virtual table for Integer#*
. This shows a real benefit of the virtual table approach - the same code works before and after monkey patching.
shows Hokstad trying to determine which local variables need to be stored in the environment and which can be stored in local variables but this is unfrotunately incorrect. This could be demonstrated using capture-meta.rb
, but Hokstad does not support Proc#binding
which this example uses to show the problem.
Hokstad does not have Array#min
, so a simple version of this method was added to canary.rb
in order to run it.
class Array
def min
min = first
each do |e|
min = e if e < min
As with many of the other example, canary
just compiles to a method call to #min
. The program runs correctly, but it isn’t passing the canary test as it isn’t being compiled to code equivalent to a < b ? a : b
call *__voff__min(%eax)
fails to compile - the standard library is not available and Hokstad does not support eval
Hokstad was started in 2008, although there are references to earlier unreleased prototypes. The project was built through a serious of blog posts published between 2008 and 2015, although small contributions to the code have continued since.
Hokstad is a simple compiler that’s able to compile a surprisingly large part of the Ruby language given how little code it involves.
The inline AST snippets are an interesting approach - richer than the primitives of Rubinius or TruffleRuby.
Hokstad applies some optimisations which are not sound in standard Ruby, such as not capturing local variables not statically referenced in blocks. This makes it seem like statically compiling Ruby is more simple than it actually is. However if this was fixed with no inlining this would leave a lot of variables allocated on the heap.
Inlining would be needed to expose more of the program to optimisation, such as removing the heap-allocated environment objects and enabling optimisation of arithmetic. This would have to be speculative so a system of fast-path and fallback would need to be added and some kind of type analysis phase. Hokstad does not pass the canary test due to none of these optimisations being possible.
Hokstad was the work of a talented amateur and it’s impressive how much has been achieved and the volume of notes written on its development. It’d be great if the project was packaged as a gem and promoted more - there are many opportunities for little interesting contributions at this stage and the basic approach could possibly work to run Real Ruby applications even without additional optimisations.
Corporate support
Hokstad hasn’t received any corporate support.