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The Ruby Compiler Survey

The Ruby Compiler Survey - Example Programs

When evaluating Ruby compilers we have used several example programs. In this section we’ll show them here, and provide some commentary on why they are interesting.

They have to be structured in such a way to provoke compilation in JIT compilers, hence the top-level loop, and they also may need to be structured, or controlled with options, to ensure that the interesting part of program can still be viewed after compilation, and isn’t relocated to some other part of the program or transformed in an unhelpful way.

The programs all produce output, so correctness can be verified manually, and so the program is less likely to be optimised away.

Please note that:

while true is used instead of loop do in order to be gentler on earlier implementations of Ruby.

Example program fib.rb

def fib(n)
  if n <= 2
    fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

while true
  puts fib(30)

fib.rb calculates the 30th number in the Fibonacci sequence through the naïve recursive algorithm.

It shows us how the compiler approaches:

fib.rb looks about like the same as it would if it were a C program and that’s good - we’re testing can the compiler produce code close to what a C compiler could?

Example program area.rb

def area(r)
  Math::PI * r**2

while true
  puts area(1)

area.rb calculates the area of a unit circle, using the Math::PI constant.

It shows us how the compiler approaches:

Example program sum-simple.rb and sum-block.rb

def sum(array)
  sum = 0
  n = 0
  size = array.size
  while n < size
    sum += array[n]
    n += 1

array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

while true
  puts sum(array)

sum-simple.rb calculates the sum of an array using simple constructs - a while loop and an accumulator local variable.

It shows us how the compiler approaches:

def sum(array)
  sum = 0
  array.each do |n|
    sum += n

array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

while true
  puts sum(array)

sum-block.rb does the same thing as sum-simple.rb, but uses the higher-order method inject to abstract away the loop and the accumulator.

Example program point.rb

class Point
  def initialize(x, y)
    @x = x
    @y = y

  def to_s
    "(#{@x}, #{@y})"

def create_point(x, y), y)

def print_point(point)

while true
  point = create_point(14, 2)
  puts print_point(point)

point.rb create an point object and then calls a method to format it as a string.

It shows us how the compiler approaches:

point.rb is written with two separate methods that we’ll study. They are separate because otherwise the allocation and then use of the object would likely pass escape anaylsis and be subject to scalar replacemet in more powerful compilers. If we want to actually see an object allocated and then used, we need to compile them separately.

Example program monkey.rb

class Integer
  def *(other)
    self + other

def mulitply(a, b)
  a * b

while true
  puts multiply(14, 2)

monkey.rb shows a core class method, Integer#*, being monkey patched.

It shows us how the compiler approaches:

monkey-base.rb is the same program without the monkey patch.

Example program capture.rb

def value

def capture
  a = value
  b = value
  c = value { b }
  a + b + c

while true
  puts capture

Capture has three local variables, and one call made with a block. One of the local variables is not statically used in the block but has been assigned, one is statically used and has been assigned, and the last is not used and not yet assigned.

It shows us how the compiler approaches:

Local variable capture is problematic in Ruby as you cannot statically determine if a local variable will be used in the block - Proc#binding and Binding#local_variable_get can retrieve a local variable with any name, even if it was not statically referenced.

Modifying value in capture-meta.rb can expose this problem.

def value(&proc)
  if block_given?
    raise unless proc.binding.local_variable_get(:a) == 14

Aliasing Kernel#binding to another name can expose a similar problem if local variables are assumed safe to store on the stack without a visible static call to Kernel#binding.

module Kernel
  alias_method :foo, :binding

def capture
  x = 14
  foo.local_variable_get(:x) * 2

while true
  puts capture

Example program canary.rb

def canary(a, b)
  [a, b].min

while true
  puts canary(14, 2)

canary.rb returns the smaller of two integers, using an an idiom where an array of the two values is constructed and then the Array#min method used to pick the minimum.

A weaker compiler will literally allocate an array and call the #min method. A more powerful compiler will remove the array allocation, inline the #min method, specialise it for two elements, and produce code equivalent to a < b ? a : b. In practice, due to the complexity of Ruby semantics this is quite a challenge to achieve.

Phoenix described the canary test in his 2015 RubyKaigi keynote as an indicator of the capability of a Ruby compiler to optimise through basic Ruby data structures and core library methods. He said that he thought it set a minimum bar for what compilers should be able to optimise through in order to be likely to improve the performance of Ruby programs. He described how he thought this could be implemented in MRI, through making LLVM IR available at runtime and apply partial evaluation to remove allocations and specialise inlined methods.

canary-goal.rb is written using the expression a < b ? a : b so we can compare against this. canary-constant.rb is [14, 2].min so we can see if this expression is compiled to a constant.

canary.rb is a simpler version of Seaton’s acid test from his 2015 PhD thesis, which was derived from patterns seen in the psd.rb and chunky_png gems.

Example program render.rb

require 'erb'

def render(template, time)

template ={<h1>Hello world!</h1><p>The time is <%= now %></p>})

while true
  puts render(template,

render.rb does a more idiomatic Ruby job - it renders a HTML template using erb. The creation of the template is outside the loop, and the time is passed to the render method as a string.

render.rb is a good example of what appears to be a simple task and a simple Ruby program actually involves quite a lot of Ruby code and complex semantics. compiles the template into Ruby source code, and ERB#render uses eval to run that Ruby code.

class ERB
  def initialize(str, safe_level=nil, trim_mode=nil, eoutvar='_erbout')
    @safe_level = safe_level
    compiler = make_compiler(trim_mode)
    set_eoutvar(compiler, eoutvar)
    @src, @encoding, @frozen_string = *compiler.compile(str)
    @filename = nil
    @lineno = 0

  def result(b=new_toplevel)
    if @safe_level
      proc {
        $SAFE = @safe_level
        eval(@src, b, (@filename || '(erb)'), @lineno)
      eval(@src, b, (@filename || '(erb)'), @lineno)

The generated Ruby code uses String#<< to build up the string.

_erbout = +''
_erbout.<< "<h1>Hello world!</h1><p>The time is ".freeze
_erbout.<<(( now ).to_s)
_erbout.<< "</p>".freeze

Other trivial programs